The leaders who succeed in business are
the ones who lead themselves.
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Women want to lead.
Their companies want that, too. Companies with more women in leadership have been shown to do better, and women who take the lead in their careers reach new levels of personal and professional success. The good news is women are in the position to empower themselves to advance as leaders. We’ll show you how.
Howard Morgan
is a Co-Founder and Managing Director of the Leadership Research Institute. LRI is a global consulting firm specializing in leadership and organizational development. He has worked with over 1,000 CEO and executive team members of the world’s largest organizations on improving corporate and executive performance.
Dr. Joelle Jay
is a Director with the Leadership Research Institute, as well as an executive coach, keynote speaker, and the author of The Inner Edge: The Ten Practices of Personal Leadership. Joelle specializes in the advancement of executive women, and she is proud to have worked in a number of the most successful and most-admired companies to support the development of top talent into positions of leadership.